
The STPP certificate requires 12 credit hours of coursework, including two core courses and two electives of the student's choice. These courses can be taken in any order.

Required STPP core courses

PubPol 650

Introduction to Science and Technology Policy Analysis (Winter Term)

PubPol 510*

Political Environment of Policymaking (Fall and Winter Terms)


Students can choose two electives from among a variety of courses offered across the university. A current list of approved electives can be found here.

STPP seminar series

Students are also expected to attend the STPP Lecture Series. There are two lectures a semester, held on Mondays at 4 p.m.

Double-count credits

In some cases, students may want to "double-count" courses that they are already taking as part of their graduate coursework requirements. According to Rackham, 6 of the 12 credits required for the certificate can be double-counted with other requirements. Please note: the rules for double counting are slightly different for students enrolled in dual Master's programs.

Masters students

Completing the STPP certificate as a Masters student requires a little extra planning, but it is easy to do this successfully. Given the Rackham graduate school’s rules, we encourage students to apply for the certificate in the winter term of their first year of study and work with STPP Program Staff to ensure that they can complete all requirements.

Gerald R. Ford School Science Policy Community

MPP students who are interested in science and technology policy, but who are unable to complete the STPP Rackham Certificate requirements due to the double-counting rule, can still join the STPP community and reap its benefits, including internship help, meetings with speakers, STPP social events, and faculty mentoring. Upon completion of the two core courses (PubPol 510 and 650) and two STPP-approved elective courses, they will receive a letter from the STPP Director. MPP students interested in this opportunity need only contact the STPP Office (4204 Weill Hall, [email protected]) for information and enrollment forms.

*Registration for PubPol510 begins in late April/ early May. Jordan Long, the Ford School's academic advisor, will send an email to all students outlining the process. Students will be asked to fill out a survey, ranking their preferred 510 sections, and then will be assigned to a section. If you have further questions please contact Jordan Long ([email protected]).