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Center for EmPowering Communities logo

Center for EmPowering Communities

Integrating leading-edge social science research with technology design, community engagement, and policymaking to foster decarbonization solutions that advance community goals.
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City of Detroit logo

City of Detroit Office of Digital Inclusion and Equity

The City of Detroit’s Office of Digital Inclusion and Equity is responsible for bridging the digital divide. This office is working on a project to bring Open Access Fiber Networks (OAFN) to areas of Detroit that are under or unconnected to internet service. STPP is researching and writing a policy brief about the implications of OAFN.
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Detroit Action logo

Detroit Action

Detroit Action is a union of Black and Brown, low and no-income, homeless and housing insecure Detroiter fighting for housing and economic justice. Our organization is a grassroots and member-led, multigenerational, community-based organization fighting for real political power.
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Detroit Disability Power

Detroit Disability Power

Detroit Disability Power's mission is to leverage and build the organizing and political power of the disability community to ensure the full inclusion of people with disabilities in Metro Detroit.
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Detroit Justice Center logo

Detroit Justice Center

The Detroit Justice Center (DJC) is a non-profit law firm working alongside communities to create economic opportunities, transform the justice system, and promote equitable and just cities. STPP will research the harms of, and alternatives to, individual risk assessment tools being used in pretrial release determinations. This will support DJC's efforts, as they work with coalition members to overhaul the money bail system, and to pass expansive and comprehensive bail reform that promotes decarceration without reliance on predatory risk assessment tools.
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Eastside Community Network logo

Eastside Community Network

For over 36 years the Eastside Community Network (formerly Warren Conner Development Coalition) has worked tirelessly to develop programs and resources that center the needs of east side residents and amplify their voices with respect to the development of their communities.
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The Lookout Project Logo

The Lookout Project

The Lookout Project aims to equip college students to reduce overdose deaths in their community through advocating for criminal justice reform, providing educational resources and free opioid overdose prevention resources to the public, including individuals exiting incarceration, as well as inspire similar projects in schools across the nation.
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The Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration

The Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration (MI-CEMI) is a broad-based, statewide, non-partisan collaboration representing non-profit, faith-based, advocacy, grassroots, and service organizations united to end mass incarceration in Michigan. STPP is investigating the landscape of prison-based education providers, what is known about the impacts of different types of prison education, and if there are best practices for the use of technology in prison-based education that Michigan could adopt from other states
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Michigan Municipal League logo

Michigan Municipal League

The Michigan Municipal League is dedicated to making Michigan’s communities better by thoughtfully innovating programs, energetically connecting ideas and people, actively serving members with resources and services, and passionately inspiring positive change for Michigan’s greatest centers of potential: its communities.
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Nation Outside Voice of Formerly Incarcerated logo

Nation Outside

Nation Outside is a statewide grassroots and advocacy organization entirely led by the formerly incarcerated and legal system impacted.
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Peac Logo

Programs to Educate all Cyclists (PEAC)

Since 2004, the not for profit, PEAC, has been enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities by championing cycling as transportation, integrated recreation, fitness, and therapy.
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We The People MI Action Fund Logo

We the People Action Fund

We the People Action Fund believes in empowering communities to determine their own futures and to tell their own stories. STPP wrote a policy brief that raised concerns about acoustic gunshot detection systems (AGDS) such as Shotspotter, a law enforcement technology designed to detect gunshot sounds and notify police of the event and location in close to real time. From the policy brief, We the People Action Fund, created a 2-page flyer and infographic to advocate for the Detroit City Council to reject spending $7 million for and terminate Detroit's contract with Shotspotter, an AGDS manufacturer.

STPP is also working with We the People Action Fund to better understand the technical aspects of electrical grids throughout Michigan to advocate for fair electric rates around the state.
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We the People Detroit logo

We the People of Detroit

We the People of Detroit aims to inform, educate, and empower Detroit residents on imperative issues surrounding civil rights, land, water, education, and the democratic process.

Wastewater treatment costs make up the largest portion of Detroit’s notoriously high water bills, and is a major factor in shutoffs. We the People Detroit is interested in pursuing decentralized wastewater treatment as a way to increase community control of wastewater resources and bring down costs. STPP explored the use of decentralized wastewater treatment and the current state of decentralized technologies, and identified additional policy paths.
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YpsiNice logo


YpsiNICE (Neighbors Improving Community Engagement) We are a community driven, people powered org. focused on local action, &collaboration in 48198 & 48197.
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