Departments and Research Centers

Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program

Showing 331 - 360 of 383 results
STPP Lecture Series

Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century

Jan 22, 2020, 4:00-5:20 pm EST
Betty Ford Auditorium, 1110 Weill Hall
Layne Scherer is a senior program officer with the Board of Higher Education and Workforce at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Ford School

Ford School Reunion

Oct 4-5, 2019, 12:00-6:00 pm EDT
Joan and Sanford Weill Hall
We'll be celebrating this fall! Save the date and join us for the Ford School Reunion!
Ford School

2019 Ford School Commencement

May 4, 2019, 4:30-6:30 pm EDT
Rackham Auditorium
The Ford School is proud to celebrate the achievements of the graduating classes of 2019!

2019 Graduation Open House

May 3, 2019, 3:00-5:00 pm EDT
Weill Hall
Enjoy delicious food and live music as you tour the classrooms, spaces and suites of Weill Hall.
STPP Lecture Series

Post-Human Creativity: A Conversation

Mar 25, 2019, 4:00 pm EDT
Library Gallery, Hatcher Graduate Library
Join us for a live, unrehearsed, interdisciplinary conversation with faculty from diverse perspectives to explore the idea of Post-Human Creativity.
Ford School
Citi Foundation Lecture, Policy Talks @ the Ford School

U.S. Science and Technology Policy: Past, Present and Future

Feb 15, 2019, 11:30 am-12:50 pm EST
Weill Hall, Betty Ford Classroom
*Stream* Kalil will discuss some of the S&T policy priorities of President Obama as well as “lessons learned” from his service at the White House, and address future challenges for U.S. S&T policy.
STPP Lecture Series

Making Government Digital in a City of Contradictions

Jan 28, 2019, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
1110 Weill Hall
Drawing on examples from city government in the UK and US, Carrie will share what a Chief Digital Officer does all day, and a glimpse of the future of city government.

CSAS Lecture Series | Understanding the New Credibility Regimes of Development: The Politics of Sanitary Pads as a Pro-Poor Technology in India

Jan 18, 2019, 4:00 pm EST
Room 1010 | 10th Floor Event Space Weiser Hall
In recent years, “period poverty” has come to be seen as an important development issue, with sanitary pads becoming the main solution. Rather than the result of systematic and unbiased evidence gathering, however, Parthasarathy argues that this problem and solution are the result of the new credibility regimes that underlie development governance today.
Policy Talks @ the Ford School, STPP Lecture Series

FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel on Network Neutrality

Sep 17, 2018, 4:00-5:20 pm EDT
Weill Hall, Betty Ford Classroom
FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, a fierce dissenter from the FCC's May 2018 decision to end network neutraility, will have a conversation about the issues with the U-M's associate general counsel, Jack Bernard.
STPP Lecture Series

Science and technology policy in the Trump era

Jan 22, 2018, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Weill Hall, Betty Ford Classroom
Has science and technology policymaking changed during the Trump Administration? How? What do the US politics of science and technology look like in 2018? Join us for a lively panel discussion featuring University of Michigan graduates working in science and technology policy in Washington, D.C.
Citi Foundation Lecture, Policy Talks @ the Ford School

The role of science and technology policy in developing countries

Nov 6, 2017, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium
Join us as we welcome Dr. Thirumalachari Ramasami, former secretary of science and technology for India, as he discusses the role of science and technology policy in developing countries.
STPP Lecture Series

Robocalypse Now?: Technology and the Future of Work

Sep 11, 2017, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
1110 Weill Hall
The process of technological displacement of workers began in the automobile industry in the 1960's, and with the rise of connectivity and AI it is accelerating rapidly.
Ford School

Patent Politics: Life Forms, Markets, and the Public Interest in the United States and Europe

Jun 23, 2017, 4:00-6:00 pm EDT
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars - Main Auditorium
Join us on June 23 from 4-6 p.m. for a discussion on the role of the patent system in governing emerging technologies, on the launch of Shobita Parthasarathy's Patent Politics: Life Forms, Markets, and the Public Interest in the United States and Europe (University of Chicago Press, 2017).
Ford School
Book Talks @ The Ford School

Patent Politics: Life Forms, Markets, and the Public Interest in the United States and Europe

Mar 27, 2017, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Palmer Commons, 4th Floor Forum Hall
Shobita Parthasarathy discusses her new book, Patent Politics: Life Forms, Markets, and the Public Interest in the United States and Europe (University of Chicago Press, 2017), followed by discussion with Richard Hall, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Michigan, then audience Q&A.

Patents, social justice, and public responsibility

Mar 27, 2017, 8:30 am-6:00 pm EDT
4th floor Forum Hall, Palmer Commons
This one-day symposium aims to grapple with this growing controversy, and explore ways forward for patents and patent systems that maximizes the public interest and social justice. The day will end with a book talk and reception celebrating the publication of Shobita Parthasarathy’s Patent Politics: Life Forms, Markets, and the Public Interest in the United States and Europe (University of Chicago Press, 2017). 

STPP/InSPIRE Movie Night

Feb 16, 2017, 6:00-8:00 pm EST
1230 Weill Hall
The STPP-affiliated student group, InSPIRE, is hosting a movie night of Ex Machina next Thursday, February 16th at 6pm in 1230 Weill Hall. Dinner will be provided. Please plan to attend the screening and discussion of this independent science fiction psychological thriller film!  
Ford School

Alumni Webinar: Katie Reeves, MPP

Feb 7, 2017, 11:30 am-1:00 pm EST
5140 Weill Hall
Katie Reeves is the Engagement and Communications Lead for the US Global Change Research Program's National Coordination Office. She is in charge of developing a strategy for the program's engagement with both Federal partners and non-Federal stakeholder communities (e.g., academia, practitioners, professional organizations, community leaders, interested public). She is also the liaison to the Social Sciences Coordinating Committee, working to better integrate social sciences into Federal global change research. Finally, she oversees more traditional communications work including maintaining a web presence and product development/roll-out. She holds a BA, MPP, and STPP certificate from the University of Michigan.
Ford School

Alumni Webinar: Nathan Boll, MS

Jan 12, 2017, 11:30 am-1:00 pm EST
5140 Weill Hall
Nathan Boll is the Space Policy Research Assistant in the Division of Resources, Science and Industry (RSI) of the Congressional Research Service at the Library of Congress. He is also the Graduate Fellow in International Science and Technology Policy at the Space Policy Institute. Previously, Nathan served as a Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Fellow at the National Academies, working on the Space Studies Board. He received a MS in Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences and a certificate in Science, Technology and Public Policy from the University of Michigan, and is currently working on a MS in International Science and Technology Policy at the George Washington University.
Ford School
STPP Lecture Series

Partisan polarization on environmental protection and climate change

Dec 14, 2016, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
1110 Weill Hall
During the past two decades environmental issues and especially climate change have become very divisive issues in U.S. politics, both among political elites and lay persons. This presentation will track these developments with longitudinal data, paying special attention to trends in partisan polarization over climate change using Gallup Poll data from 1997 to 2016.

Before the Flood

Nov 9, 2016, 6:00-8:00 pm EST
4240 Weill Hall
Join us for a screening of Before the Flood, a documentary on climate change.
Ford School