Living in a carceral state
Part of the Behind Walls, Beyond Discipline: Science, Technology, and the Carceral State webinar series
Chris Gilliard (Macomb Community College), Ursula Rao (Univ. of Leipzig), Carolyn Sufrin (Johns Hopkins Univ.), John Carson (Univ. of Michigan)Date & time
Jun 11, 2021,
12:00 pm EDT
This is a Virtual Event.
The twenty-first century carceral state inspires anxieties of a national or even global-scale panopticon. Omniscient and omnipresent technologies report our movements, purchases, communications, and even desires to invisible and unaccountable corporations and government agencies (the public/private distinction having lost effective meaning). In practice, however, some people are obviously more vulnerable to coercive state power than others; intrusive surveillance techniques predate the Internet; and socio-technical systems routinely fail.
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